
I am looking for motivated and self-disciplined students to join my group! If you are interested in working on cutting-edge research in computer architecture, computer security and computer systems at Science Tokyo send me an email with your CV and we can set up a meeting. Please make sure to include when and which IGP program you'd like to enroll in your email (we don't accept research students). I highly recommend you contact me at least one year before your planned enrollment date. Thanks!

I run CARAS group at Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Tech) where we mainly study computer architecture and computer security. Specifically, we work on improving the security of next generation computing devices and systems by enhancing computer architecture and system software. We also develop reliable and energy-efficient computing systems, and perform workload and system characterization to understand emerging applications.

Prior to joining Science Tokyo, I spent some time in the US at Columbia University and IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. I also did my postdoc at Kyushu University and The University of Tokyo. Even before that, I earned my PhD at The University of Tokyo.


    2024.10 » Teapot accepted by CGO 2025

Research Interests

    Computer Architecture, Computer Security, Computer Systems

Select Publications

  • [MICRO'19] Practical Byte-Granular Memory Blacklisting using Califorms. [pdf]
    IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention
  • [IISWC'17] Why Do Programs Have Heavy Tails? [pdf]
  • [PACT'13] Coordinated Power-Performance Optimization in Manycores. [pdf]
    IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter Young Author Award 2013
  • [PACT'12] Scalability-Based Manycore Partitioning. [pdf]